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Maker Mornings is a community of talented makers who specialize in the art of crafting beautiful goods by hand. Whether it's woodworking, metalworking, fiber arts, painting, or digital art, these makers are dedicated to perfecting their art and creating unique masterpieces that delight and inspire. We are side hustlers, boutique owners, small business CEOs and aspiring e-commerce aficionados.

We also have our other life. You know the one where some of us work a regular job. Where we are responsible for keeping smaller human beings alive (aka our kids), getting them to soccer practice and dance class, having snacks ready and keeping up with homework. We keep our houses in order and dinner on the table (don't judge if it's McDonalds), we volunteer, we contribute to our communities and churches. We workout, we do yoga, we do breathwork. To say our plates are full in an understatement!

At Maker Mornings, we know how hard it can be to juggle life between creative passions and living life and we are here to help!


REASON #1 Get clear on your priorities

REASON #2 Working on your business instead of working in your business

REASON #3 Moving from HOT MESS to totally in control 


REASON #1 Is what you are doing really working? 

REASON #2 You can totally do this by yourself... but, how long do you want it to take?

 REASON #3  I don't have time. You don't have time NOT to.



5000 +


300 +


5000 +




A "Maker" is an individual who possesses a creative and entrepreneurial spirit, leveraging their skills, knowledge, and curiosity to invent, design, create, and innovate. Makers embrace a do-it-yourself (DIY) ethos, utilizing various tools, technologies, and materials to bring their ideas to life. They thrive on collaboration, sharing knowledge, and exploring new possibilities in a wide range of fields. Makers value hands-on learning, experimentation, and the freedom to tinker, envisioning a world where everyone has the power to shape their environment through creativity and ingenuity.

The “Maker” Manifesto:

Embrace Curiosity - Makers are driven by an insatiable curiosity about the world around them. We constantly ask "why" and "how," exploring new ideas and seeking knowledge across diverse disciplines.

Empowerment through Creation - We believe that everyone has the potential to create and innovate. Makers empower themselves and others by sharing skills, tools, and resources, fostering a culture of self-sufficiency and independence.

Emphasize Hands-On Learning - Makers learn by doing. We value practical, hands-on experiences that allow us to experiment, fail, iterate, and ultimately succeed. We embrace the concept of "learning through making."

Foster Collaboration - Makers understand the power of collaboration and community. We actively seek out opportunities to collaborate, share ideas, and learn from one another. Together, we can achieve more than we can individually.

Embrace Openness - Makers believe in the free exchange of knowledge, ideas, and designs. We embrace open-source principles, sharing our creations, discoveries, and insights with the global community to inspire and enable others.

Promote Sustainability - Makers strive to create a sustainable future by incorporating eco-friendly practices into our projects. We repurpose, recycle, and find innovative solutions to minimize waste and reduce our impact on the environment.

Celebrate Diversity - Makers come from all walks of life. We celebrate and value diversity in backgrounds, skills, perspectives, and cultures. By embracing inclusivity, we enrich our collective creativity and create a welcoming and supportive community.

Challenge Boundaries - Makers push the boundaries of what is possible. We embrace unconventional thinking, question the status quo, and are unafraid to take risks. We believe that innovation arises from breaking free from limitations.

Pursue Excellence - Makers strive for excellence in craftsmanship and design. We take pride in our work, paying attention to detail, and continually refining our skills. We value quality over quantity.

Inspire and Be Inspired - Makers inspire others through their creations, sparking curiosity and igniting a passion for making. We seek inspiration from the world around us, finding beauty and creativity in unexpected places.

In the spirit of this manifesto, we, as Makers, commit ourselves to fostering a culture of creativity, innovation, and collaboration. Together, we will shape a future where anyone can be a Maker and transform their ideas into reality.



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