Maker Mornings is a community of talented makers who specialize in the art of crafting beautiful goods by hand. Whether it's woodworking, metalworking, fiber arts, painting, or digital art, these makers are dedicated to perfecting their art and creating unique masterpieces that delight and inspire. We are side hustlers, boutique owners, small business CEOs and aspiring e-commerce aficionados.
We also have our other life. You know the one where some of us work a regular job. Where we are responsible for keeping smaller human beings alive (aka our kids), getting them to soccer practice and dance class, having snacks ready and keeping up with homework. We keep our houses in order and dinner on the table (don't judge if it's McDonalds), we volunteer, we contribute to our communities and churches. We workout, we do yoga, we do breathwork. To say our plates are full in an understatement!
At Maker Mornings, we know how hard it can be to juggle life between creative passions and living life and we are here to help!
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